Got Questions?

We got you covered!

+ How would you describe your style of wedding videography?

We want to capture YOU in your natural element, surrounded by the people you love! Our style is driven by the belief of living authentically and we want to create a beautiful and unique wedding film that represents you as a couple. Your wedding vows and speeches will help bring direction and creativity, blended with some “mood-setting” music, to create a cinematic and professional looking video. Whether you lean towards a purely romantic and thoughtful highlight video, or you feel drawn towards a more casual and whimsical style, we aim to create a video that fully embodies you as a couple!

+ When can we expect delivery of our videos?

Our priority is to ensure that we deliver a unique and beautiful video that is created to the absolute best of our ability. It takes time to create a memorable and unique film. We often spend hours searching for that perfect song! A lot of thought goes into the process of creating a wedding video, to ensure you receive the very best quality. You deserve the best!

With that said, you can expect to receive your highlight and/or documentary within four months of your wedding day, with some exceptions such as personal or family emergencies, extremely busy work season, etc. We will ensure to communicate this to you in advance.

+ How will all our files be delivered to us?

We will deliver your files in a customized Pine Collectives USB!

+ Can we make any changes to the videography packages?

Definitely! We understand that every wedding is unique, and we’ll work with you to create a package that best suits you.

+ How many hours of video coverage do you provide on the wedding day?

We don’t specify how many hours as it can be difficult to put in exact numbers. There are so many factors to consider on your wedding day. Depending on your package, we require a certain amount of footage to ensure we are capturing everything you have asked for.

In short, we won’t leave until we have enough quality footage to help create a great wedding film. We can discuss this in greater detail when we meet and go through our packages.

+ Do you film out-of-town weddings?

Definitely! Just give us a shout on our contact page and we'd be happy to provide more details.

+ How do we book you?

Please use the contact page to send us an email! We’d love to meet in person over a cup of coffee. This will help us get to know you as a couple and for you to get to know us. We can also chat over the phone/facetime if that’s easier for you.